Exercise and being active is often the last thing you want to do when you’re in pain, most of us just want to curl up on the sofa or go to bed. Does that sound about right?
Whilst this may be okay in the short term, in the long term it's not such a good idea.
Exercise is essential for your overall health and wellbeing. It helps keep your muscles, bones and joints strong so that you can keep moving as well as reducing your risk of developing other conditions such as heart disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.
It also boosts your mood, benefits your mental health, aids weight control and improves sleep.

When you exercise your body releases chemicals such as endorphins into your bloodstream. These are sometimes called ‘feel-good’ chemicals because they boost your mood and make you feel good. They also interact with receptors in your brain and ‘turn down the volume’ on your pain system.
So, exercise can help you feel better, reduce your risk of many health issues and help you manage your pain.
For exercise to be most effective it needs to be regular and should include the following:
- flexibility exercises – stretching and range of movement exercises help maintain or improve the flexibility of your joints and nearby muscles and will help keep you moving properly and ease joint stiffness
- strengthening exercises – these build muscle strength, provide stability to your joints and improve your ability to perform daily tasks
- cardiovascular or aerobic exercises – these are exercises that gets you moving and increase your heart rate helping improve the health of your heart and lungs (cardiovascular system) and can also help with endurance, weight control and prevention of other health problems (e.g. diabetes).
- swimming or water exercise classes
- tai chi, yoga, Pilates
- walking
- low-impact aerobics
Start slowly and gradually increase the amount of exercise you do.
Set yourself goals - they’ll help keep you focused and motivated.
Remember that it may be some time since you last had an exercise routine, so set goals that are appropriate for the new you, not the old you!
Choose exercises and activities that you enjoy and try to be active on most, preferably all, days of the week.
Exercise with friends or family – this will make it more enjoyable and will also help motivate you.
Warm up and cool down properly before and after exercising.
Know the difference between the muscle pain you feel after exercise, and the pain you may feel as a result of overdoing it.
Talk with your doctor, osteopath or physiotherapist for information and advice before starting an exercise regime.
We are more than happy to assist you with your exercise goals. Give us a call today to make your appointment and we’ll even give you a free 15 minute osteopathic back and health assessment check.
Call us on 01270 629933 or email info@weaverhouse.com
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